To start integrating Genially with Twygo, follow the steps below:
Log in to Genially, or create a new account, just click on register and follow the steps indicated on the website.
After creating the account you will receive a confirmation e–mail, check your spam box if it doesn’t appear in the main box. After that, define the mode of use that best suits you:
After completing your registration or logging in the page what you can create with Genially will appear, select the Gamification option:
In the center of the screen you can select some templates ready to work with, and on the left side you can browse different types of materials to create:
Select the desired template and confirm your choice by clicking Use this template.
Feel free to learn about the other resources and create the materials that best suit your needs. Once you’re satisfied, click All Set! at the top right corner:
A new window will appear asking for publication information, remember to check the public on the internet option. After filling in the other fields, click All Set! again:
Once this is done, another page will appear, select the share option:
Finally: go to the Insert option, copy the Iframe link and paste it in Twygo
That’s it! integration completed successfully!
Desde 2018 ajudando empresas a transformar T&D com tecnologia na Twygo. Licenciada em Letras, MBA em Marketing pela USP/Esalq e Técnico em TI (Informática) pelo Instituto Federal Catarinense. Especialista em estratégias de produto, inovação e condução de projetos de produto com foco em treinamento e desenvolvimento.